Horn and Cauldron Celebrates Diversity 

Horn and Cauldron, Church of the Earth celebrates all forms of diversity. The diversity among our members create a rich tapestry of human expression. Your unique individuality is celebrated at Horn and Cauldron! We are committed to an environment and community in which all individuals are treated equally with respect and dignity.

For each of us to grow spiritually, we need to feel included as part of the whole. Our celebration of inclusivity is made richer by the diversity of our individual members. We are open to, and respectful of all ages, races, ethnicities, sexual and gender expressions and/or identifications, disability, and religious backgrounds.

Since we draw upon a variety of mythologies from world cultures as part of the Spiral Tree Grove Tradition, we welcome opportunities to actively engage in multicultural perspectives. As we celebrate our differences, it is imperative that we each stand for social justice for all.

The Horn and Cauldron Tradition recognizes the sacredness of the union of the Goddess with the God AND the divine spark that creates all life! That divine spark is YOU!

The sacredness of the divine feminine is at the root of our tradition as She expresses Herself as Mother Earth through her cycles. As such, we fully support feminism, and all who identify as women, as we advocate for women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes and a woman's sovereign right for unencumbered freedom of choice.

As part of our spiritual development, we aim to respectfully understand each other in each others understanding of themselves. We are all spiritual beings having a human experience. We are committed to cultivating our values of honesty, kindness, dedication and service that they will foster collaboration, harmony and joy. We foster our connections with love and inclusion. Our inner workings shift from fear to trust, and separation into unity.

Horn and Cauldron, Church of the Earth strictly prohibits all forms of hatred. We will not tolerate any aggression, harassment, or discrimination towards any race, gender (in all its definitions), sexual orientation, disability, age, or ethnicity.

Horn and Cauldron clearly and unequivocally condemns the use of our Pagan symbols being used by white supremacist groups or individuals hiding their hatred behind spirituality and religion.