Clergy Training Program

Horn and Cauldron Training Program

Teaching is at the center of our Tradition. We hope that many of our adherents will want to seek further training and become ordained clergy in the Wiccan faith.

When a person embarks on our training path, we also receive nourishment and thus becomes renewed with trained Horn and Cauldron Ritual Leaders and Clergy to continue on our Spiral Tree Grove Tradition. Within the Inner Coven you find the Winter Spirits (Clergy), Fferyllt (Ritual Leaders), Elders and students (Spring, Summer, and Autumn Spirits) who are studying in our training program.

As a teaching Tradition we are honored to instruct those who have found themselves called to the Wiccan path. The classes and requirements for our students in the Inner are challenging; this is how they are meant to be.

If you join the Inner training program you will be expected to push yourself (psychically), develop yourself (mundane and magical self), and expand in all your abilities. We want you to be the best possible representation of Wicca.

We have a 2 & 3-tier system that is similar to the degree system found in other traditions, except that the Path is not:
        • a stepladder, instead it is modeled after a Spiral.

The Spiral represents the cycle within everyone; we are all walking the spiral and depending on where we stand, our perspective will always be different. We may pass the same point several times in life, but we see it differently each time. No student is ever “above” another; we are all walking the same path together. Even as Winter Spirits we are still walking down the path of the spiral, albeit an older and deeper path than someone new to the Craft, but are still learning, and relearning, and most importantly… always growing.

Clergy or "Inner Coven” Expectations are:

    • A sincere dedication to the Gods and the Craft.
    • A mature attitude.
    • A willingness to learn and a desire to better themselves.
    • Can demonstrate that he/she has the physical & emotional time & ability to commit to this program.
    • Demonstrated that he/she follows our general Ritual Etiquette expectations and by-laws as shared with the Outer Coven.
    • A willingness to support the Craft in a non-invasive, non-proselytizing manner.
    • That he/she has met the requirements of the Outer Grove and has shown advanced dedication to the Coven.

The two paths in our Training Program.

Fferyllt- (Fire-Lite): A Fferyllt has completed ALL of the obligations and class work of the Spring & Summer Spirit path. At the end of Summer Spirit, at the crossroad of choice, he/she can chose the path of a honored Ritual Leader within our Coven under the guidance of the Winter Spirit(s).

Takes 2 years and 2 days to complete this program.

Winter Spirit: A Winter Spirit has completed all obligations and class work from the Spring, Summer and Autumn Spirit paths. Once the student has successfully completed all three paths, he/she can petition to become Ordained as Clergy of Horn and Cauldron in the Spiral Tree Grove Tradition.

Takes 3 years and 3 days to complete this program. For most students both programs will take longer.

The Process

The Inner Coven accepts its students from our Root Members (Dedicants) to train realizing the dedication needed to be a ritual leader or clergy member.

Please talk with our Clergy and let us know your intent so that we can advise you appropriately.

We don’t feel the need to ‘rush’ through the process. As the old adage goes. “It is not the destination, it is the journey.”

**We do not charge for ritual leader or clergy teaching.